It was no secret that PlayStation VR might need some help from additional hardware in order to run on the PS4. Spec requirements for similar headsets like the Oculus Rift were asking for some powerful PCs in order to run, and not just for pretty, pretty graphics. These headsets need higher fidelty not only because your eyes are closer to the screens but also to keep your brain from freaking out and vomiting on the nice, new VR headset you just bought.
So when Polygon got a chance to check out the “near retail” version of the PlayStation VR headset they mentioned a new add-on, a “black box looked a bit smaller than a Wii” attached to the back of the headset. More than likely this black box is the extra firepower your PS4 needs to run VR successfully. It’s also the first time the press and fans are really hearing about any add-ons when it comes to this new hardware. PlayStation has been up-selling the experience but very quiet about price, release dates, etc.
More hardware also means more price, the biggest speed bump for any new hardware add-on for video game consoles. Anything north of $300 probably scares consumers, who won’t have much of a chance to really know how this all works, and less than $200 probably doesn’t make much business sense. Sony needs to really get into gear in 2016 and figure this all out before I start “accidentally” calling this thing the Kinect.