About Us

A graphic logo of a stylized "G" and "L" conformed into a circle against a solid dark background.The staff of Gamesline has been working in and around gaming journalism for over a decade. We are a group of critics who are passionate about games and the people who make them, and want to highlight both the good and bad of this industry to make it a better place to work and a better place to play. Our staff strives to be progressive, welcoming, and thoughtful. However, we won’t balk at the chance to have some fun! These are video games, after all.

We believe in covering and highlighting opinions on video games above the ordinary and mainstream. We are committed to not only giving our audience something fun and interesting, but we aim to provide insights and thoughtful criticism that other spaces may be afraid of tapping into.

You may see our review policy here.

We also believe nothing is apolitical, and we are willing to thoroughly discuss the sociopolitical circumstances that impact the everyday of the games industry, shining a black-light on all that is good, bad, and real ugly. In addition, we believe in prioritizing support for the workers and creatives that make it up, and we remain committed in refusing to fall in line with and being held accountable for anything that may undermine their labor.

We believe the medium of games journalism is something that is deserving of growth, and for that reason, we are here to share with you our personal experiences on games unfiltered and quite frankly, unbothered.

We hope you enjoy your ride.

Press Pitches

Gamesline happily accepts press kits and any requests on covering games or game-related paraphernalia. Reach out to John and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible if it is within our best interests.

Sponsored Content

Gamesline is independently patron-funded, and always will be. We will remain committed to always provide ad-free content, lovingly backed by our patrons and other fellow members of our community. Collaborations with other channels, publications, and causes that align with our values, however, are welcome under discretion of our staff’s review. Please send any queries to John.

Working With Us

Although we always have our sights on figuring out ways to expand, Gamesline currently does not have any open positions at this point in time. All content published here is crafted by a volunteer-powered collective.