While Red Ash burns in a bonfire of nostalgia, 20th Century Fox is preparing to set the world of Mega Man on fire as well. Fox, along with Chernin Entertainment, are putting together a live action version of Mega Man. The film is only in early development with a handful of producers attached but no screenwriter or director just yet. It was just late last week that Lionsgate announced they were moving forward on a Borderlands film so maybe this is the beginning of some long nightmare where any and all video game franchises are turned into cheap, live action movies.
I’m honestly surprised film companies aren’t chomping at the bit to make CGI versions of these long standing video game characters. The success of Pixar, and occasional success of Dreamworks, proves that CGI films work and the majority of these characters don’t translate well to live action. Honestly, do you want to see a well known actor dressed up in a blue armor suit with a giant hand cannon running around on blue screen?
I’m not one to say that video games are an untranslatable medium but Hollywood has a terrible history with video game films. So excuse me while I stay mildly apathetic.