Limited Run Games announced a variety of releases they’re planning for the coming year (and beyond), so get those F5ing fingers ready, because here’s Limited Run’s lineup!
- Golf Story will be having a physical release in September of 2018
- Iconoclasts is scheduled for Q3 this year on PS4 and Vita
- Observer is set for July 2018 on PS4
- Layers of Fear will come to physical disc on PS4 and physical cart on Switch in October
- Thumper physical on PS4 and Switch releases July 20th
- 2064 and VA-11 HALL-A will have a joint release on June 29th 2018 on Vita, with their fold-out boxes combining to reveal a cute picture. Each game comes with a soundtrack, and the VA-11 HALL-A vinyl soundtrack will be available as well.
- A physical release of Seran Kagura: Bon Appetit: Full Course Edition will hit Vita this Summer
- Limited Run is porting Cosmic Star Heroine to Switch, releasing it both physically and digitally. Digital is set for August, with a physical release TBA.
- Night Trap on Switch will release in July, with pre-orders starting July 6th.
- August 2018 will see the physical release of Yooka-Laylee on Switch
- A physical release of Spelunky on PS4 and Vita is planned, with no exact date revealed.
- Exile’s End will hit Vita and PS4 physical releases in July
- Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds, a Scott Pilgrim inspired game, will be dropping on PS4 and Vita physical this Summer.
- Salt and Sanctuary on PS4 and Vita is set for August 24th.
- Dust: An Elysian Tale on Switch is happening…sometime.
Finally, some standouts. Limited Run is localizing and releasing PS4 and Vita versions of The House in Fata Morgana, a highly regarded visual novel. Oceanhorn, a Switch title, is up on Limited Run right now, with an open pre-order. Finally, Limited Run is updating and re-releasing another awful Sega CD game, Double Switch. Nothing beyond a teaser, but hey, that’ll be fun to goof on.
If you’re interested in anything here, you can find it all on the specific dates here.