I’m pretty behind on these. I’ve been busy playing games, don’t judge me. At least I’m posting on here constantly unlike SOME PEOPLE. Anyway here’s what I thought about Sony’s Press Conference:
- At the beginning of the event a mix of BYOB and Get Lucky played and I wanted to die right there on the spot.
- DESTINY LOOKS SO FUGGIN GOOD YOU GUYS like I love Halo and this looks like Halo but open world and with your friends and fuck you if you’re hating on this.
- The Order 1886 looks pretty boring. The monsters are at least kiiinda neat but eh. I’d have to see more to care.
- I played Entwined on the show floor today and it’s pretty fun. Not anything to hoot and/or holler about but I could see me playing through this if it’s free with PS+ or something.
- The Second Son DLC is for Neon fans only. Sorry, most people. You’re outta luck.
- I blinked and almost missed Little Bigplanet 3. Where the hell did that come from? It looks mondo cute and I’ll probe pick this up. I wonder what Media Molecule is up to…
- Bloodborne. It’s new Souls basically. Gave me flashbacks. Russian flashbacks. Ugh.
- The Dead Island 2 trailer is ingrained into my mind and I’m pretty happy about that. I dunno if I care about the game but at least Deep Silver are a buncha nice folks.
- Remastered Grim Fandango. On Vita. God bless us all.
- Let It Die is an odd thing for me. On one hand, new Suda. On the other, this was supposed to be Lily Bergamo, and that’s not a thing anymore. I wonder if Suda wants to back off of character action games.
- *chanting voice* NO MAN’S SKY. NO MAN’S SKY. NO MAN’S SKY! FUCK YEAH!
- Playstation Now works really well, and seeing it spreading to Vita and Sony TVs is neat. Now let’s get more games on it!
- That Vita thing from Japan is coming over here for 100$. Good if you’re too lazy to move your console around.
- Mortal Kombat X does exactly what I want, crosses MK and Injustice and brings new characters in. Also, Sonya and Johnny got together? I guess there really is someone for everyone…
- That Powers show sounds alright but they spent way too much time on it. Ho hum.
- Ratchet and Clank the movie looks really lackluster in terms of writing but man I’m excited for that HD remake of the original. This is a suuuuper stretch, but they should do that for Spyro.
- The Phantom Pain looks really great and I pray with all of my spiritual energies that Kojima doesn’t bungle Quiet TOO badly. It’s gonna be bad, just please nothing Ground Zeroes level.
- GTA5 who cares
- Arkham Knight keeps shifting between “nah” and “huh sure” for me. Right now I’m at “sure”. I’m glad the Batmobile doesn’t drive like complete ass.
And that was Sony. Overall I enjoyed this conference a BIT more than Microsoft’s, but overall Nintendo took my cake. Take a listen to our podcasts for more info on what I saw at the show, and I’ll be posting Nintendo soon. Namaste.