Update: Not long after writing this story Director Tabata was asked about fans’ reaction to Square’s conference and FFXV’s release date. He acknowledged fan’s feelings after their somewhat strange conference and understands why they might be worried. He also acknowledged, despite speculation, that FFXV wouldn’t slip to 2017 saying “We can certainly say to people: it’s not going to be 2017. It’s going to be before that.”. I’m glad to hear Tabata so earnestly announce this and I expect TGS to be a big showing for this game.
Original Story: Final Fantasy fans have been waiting a very long time for FFXV. Starting development as Final Fantasy Versus XIII nearly ten years ago, it has transformed into the game we’re being teased with today. After it’s reintroduction to the public as FFXV we all marveled at the game. Even as the demo came out earlier this year we were excited to see the open world concept being introduced to the sometimes stale iterations in the series. With the release of that demo and the hype building around this game Sqaure seemed to be gearing up for a possible 2016 release. The wait may have to continue beyond that.
At Gamescom, Square live streamed a new trailer and discussed it for nearly an hour. The trailer does dive into some of the main character’s backstory and continues to show off the interesting and unique art style. However Square was staying tight lipped about any kind of time frame for release. Director Hajime Tabata has been beating the marketing drums since right before E3 about his new game but all we seem to be getting are new game forums (which are still being developed), a handful of plot points, and an announcement that this same trailer will be showing up at PAX Prime.
Thankfully Tokyo Game Show is fast approaching as well and Tabata confirmed FFXV will be there as well. If a date isn’t announced by then we may be waiting until 2017, or beyond, for the next major title in this franchise. Meanwhile Square is still updating their demo of the game and we get new trailers that feature minute long hugs. If they keep stringing fans along like this it becomes harder and harder to remain curious about the franchise.