Since New Leaf, Animal Crossing fans have been eagerly awaiting another game in the series. Although it isn’t a game for a bigger console as many may have hoped for, Nintendo finally revealed details for their latest iOS and Android edition of the animal-filled paradise: Pocket Camp.

Pocket Camp keeps most of the classic Animal Crossing features in it while creating a story of its own. Your main objective is to set up and design a campsite to entice villagers in based on their favorite items. You can craft said items or receive them from the random characters that will pop up around your site.  Crafting will require the items you’ll gather along the way or purchased Leaf Tickets that act alongside the in-game currency, bells.

The mobile game also introduces a “Friendship Level” which allows you to build friendships with your favorite camp-goers by performing small tasks for them like fetching bugs or fruit. You can also fish, similarly to previous games, or explore the marketplace and purchase clothing items to spice up your camper.

In addition to meeting familiar faces in-game, you will be able to trade camp IDs with your real friends to visit their camp, give them praise for their sweet set up, and even trade bells for items they’re selling.  

Possibly the only, yet totally expected, downfall of Pocket Camp will be the timer that appears when you decide it’s time to craft another amenity in your campsite. You’re able to speed up the process with the aforementioned Leaf Tickets, encouraging you to spend real money to spare you the digital time. Time, by the way, will run just the same as real life. When it’s morning where you live, it will be morning in the game, and so on and so forth, with seasonal holidays present as well.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is set for release in late November 2017.


About Trex

Trex is a cosplayer, actor, and artist hailing from the vast cornfields of Ohio. They also appreciate the little things in life like making everyone’s life a living hell.

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