The creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Kazuki Takahashi, had passed away. Takahashi’s manga would go on to spawn one of the biggest, influential, international hit franchises that continues to maintain a stronghold in the trading card games scene today.

Employees at WIRED are asking readers to not click on or support any pages from the publication on July 12 and 13, Amazon Prime Day, to support a walkout. After more than a year of bargaining, Conde Nast management still hasn’t negotiated a fair contract with the shop.

Rockstar Games is shelving the idea of remastering some of its past titles such as GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption. Speculation suggests this decision is made due to the poor response to the GTA Trilogy.

According to trademark documentation, the status of the Intellivision Amico is now up in the air. Initial findings have discovered that the trademark for the system seemingly abandoned, but it has been refilled as of a couple of days ago.

As an acknowledgement of their “Let Me Solo Her” Elden Ring exploits, Bandai Namco has sent the player, who goes by @TsuboiKlein on Twitter, a massive gift box set, including an engraved sword.

A Nintendo fan spent over $40,000 in stock just to ask a top executive a question. He simply wanted to ask if there will ever be more F-Zero games.

An FC in Final Fantasy XIV tried to advertise a special, internal summer event featuring a link to their Discord server through a series of billboards. A couple of these boards have been spotted in Texas, and there are rumors that they are also supposed to go up in California. The billboards faced scrutiny due to its copyright infringing, misleading association with Square Enix and the depiction of datamined content which violates the game’s terms.

The Final Fantasy 14 Rain Nightclub's Summer Bash billboard. Two 3D rendered characters flank the side of a billboard in swimwear outfits, standing alongside an empty beach. Various words and logos pepper the billboard, with the largest text, "Rain Nightclub Presents Summer Bash", centered on the visual.

After a major patch to the game that introduced the Data Centre Travel feature, which allows players to visit other worlds, a few players of Balmung tried to wall off newcomers from coming in to their world. These fears are likely precipitated by the recent billboard incident.

On top of several rearrangements going on internally, Gamestop is undergoing several rounds of layoffs.

After a few years of hiatus, E3 is set to return in 2023 through the assistance of a partnership with Reedpop. Although the specifics of what this relationship entails is still not clear, the upcoming show is expected to include both digital showcases and in-person specific events.

And finally…

Yuji Naka is still off his shits.

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