Remember when Saints Row 4 was a Saints Row 3 expansion called “Enter the Dominatrix”? Remember how there was no Dominatrix in SR4? Volition’s fixing that soon. On Oct. 22nd in the US, the first DLC expansion for the game, the previously mentioned entering of the missing Dominatrix, will be released. The DLC is an alternate take on the game’s storyline, where instead of fighting waves of aliens, you fight sex workers and gimps. A new vehicle called the “Dildozer” is confirmed, thank all that is holy.
In other SR4 DLC news, the second pack, “How the Saints Saved Christmas”, was also confirmed. No release date yet, but if you’re listening Volition: Santa’s sleigh. Drivable.
Enter the Dominatrix will release Oct. 22nd in the US and Oct. 23rd everywhere else. You can purchase it for 6.99 or in a bundle with “Christmas” for 9.99 as a season pass.