Bungie released a Destiny news statement stating story DLC will be free. In exchange, Tess Everis will return to the Tower to sell players new emotes on October 13th. Players will purchase these sweet moves with “Silver,” an in-game bought currency-real money will be required to buy these dance emotes. Bungie assures no purchases made at the “Eververse Trading Company” will be necessary; Bungie hopes this move will be able to support the game updates and releases in the coming year.
Destiny: The Taken King was released on September 15th with a more traditional paywall for content. While Bungie originally planned to charge for individual story pieces, raids, et al, they have chosen to invest in a microtransaction based plan for the foreseeable future in order to offer free content bolstered by in-game purchases such as these dances. Whether looking for new cosmetic items or missions, more is to come for dedicated players.