Welcome to Video Game Choo Choo: The Full Website, ladies and gentlemen! I’m so happy to see you! Please, take off your coat and put it anywhere! Wait, not there; we haven’t quite finished cleaning that corner of the house. But hey, at least it’s finally presentable!
We don’t have very much going on in terms of content, but that’s going to change now that we’ve got a place to put words that don’t quite fit into the podcast! It’s a really slick site we’ve got here, and I’m super excited to do things with it! Go make a Disqus account and get complaining about the numbers we put on these words! Listen to the latest podcasts! Check out that cool Twitter feed!
I’d also like to thank my friend Michael Ivey profusely for his immense patience and coding experience. Without him, this site would never have seen the light of day. If you notice a bug or something, we actually have a guy for that!
This is a short introduction, because I’m writing this at midnight after putting up all this stuff and should really get to sleep, but I felt like this warranted some kind of celebratory post. With this massive step, Video Game Choo Choo comes ever closer to being a real thing. We’re still figuring out how these new digs work, but I hope that doesn’t stop you from enjoying the site!
Ride the rails, my friends!
Now that this is a site it needs only one thing left.
what is video game, mike?
I’ll put my coat in any damn corner I like.
I am so happy