Okay, this is a long one. Here is the full list of all the mini-podcasts Mike recorded during TFCon! (Also, iTunes!)
Day One – Mike hits the TFCon pre-show for what is essentially practice should he ever have to cover real events and conventions. Also, stay tuned for a guest appearance from former Velocity Gamer Podcast host Joe Wedeman!
Day Two – Mike is ready to ambush friends, interview Mayhem Mechanix, warble theme songs, and just shove his iPhone into the face of whoever’s willing to talk in the second day of Video Game Choo Choo’s TFCon coverage.
Passenger Car: Mayhem Mechanix – Welcome to the first installment of Passenger Car! Thrill as Mike talks with the guys from Mayhem Mechanix about Unrustable Bastards; a toyline described as Sons of Anarchy meets Pacific Rim. How is that not awesome?
Day Three – It’s the last day of TFCon, so I guess that’s a good enough excuse to edit in some karaoke from earlier in the weekend.