Ride along with the Three Train Fairies of Chooch as the crew discusses the beautiful Aria the Animation on the latest Unlimited Rail Works! Plus, Elvie discusses 86’s Youtuber Apology Video episode, Rose details the Iruma Dress Arc, and John breaks the law, and lots more!
Our theme this episode is “Undine” by Yui Makino, Aria’s OP, and the ending is “RAINBOW” by Round Table, also from Aria.
Consider following us on twitter @VGChooChoo, @horngal, @lvmaeparian, and @John_Michonski.
If you want to send in questions send them to our ask box at videogamechoochoo.tumblr.com/ask
You can also join our discord channel at thegamezone.zone!
Thanks to @harlequinwheels for our show art!
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