Nintendo’s newest console isn’t going to be unveiled until next year’s E3 at the earliest but we are getting some early inklings. In a recent interview with Fortune magazine, Miyamoto talked about how the Wii U failed and how Nintendo is changing things up when it comes to the NX. According to Miyamoto the Wii U was made focusing on the tablet as the main form of interaction in hopes of tapping into the growing tablet market. And it was that same tablet market, according to Miyamoto, that kneecapped the Wii U’s sales chances.
Miyamoto goes on to explain that he usually has a hand in making Nintendo’s new hardware but for the NX he’ll be taking a step back. While he will still be giving advice when needed Miyamoto says he’ll focus more on the software the company develops and he’s starting that with the upcoming Star Fox game.
Don’t let Miyamoto fool you however. While the Wii U will certainly continue to be a focus for Nintendo the NX is already being brought up by Nintendo. According to Fortune in the same piece Nintendo impressed third party developers and the reception was pretty positive. Don’t forget that the Wii U also had plenty of third party support at launch only to see it all dry up soon afterward.