In a recent announcement, Nintendo revealed that MicroSD cards will be now be a necessity for the Switch in order to play certain games.
Nintendo stated, after earlier revealing their partnership with SanDisk, that future games will contain a large amount of data and will need additional storage. These Switch games will be able to be played without the card, however only a small portion. Game cases will display whether they need a MicroSD card for your convenience, and for those downloading from the eShop there will be information showing how large the game is. Of course, branded SD cards will be flaunting Nintendo-themed packaging on the 64 GB and 128 GB microSDXCs.
Acquiring a memory card will be much easier than previous Nintendo consoles as MicroSD cards can be purchased just about anywhere. I remember driving 20 minutes to Best Buy to buy a memory card for the Gamecube, but now you can pop into your nearest gas station to retrieve one. It’s no surprise that a console would require a memory card to play a game, but compared to the Nintendo DS’s lack of need to go out and buy additional storage, it’s to be expected that some pretty large games will be coming to the Switch.