Teaser sites are lame. I don’t like having to wait for an announcement and sitting through announcements of announcements. Thankfully, the latest teaser site to rise from the gutters was posted accidentally and already the secret behind the site has been cracked.
A Reddit user cracked the alien code in the screenshots posted by AllGamesBeta. The game being teased? A new Duke Nukem game, obviously. I mean, they make the gum joke. It’s a little sad it’s not even a They Live joke anymore. It’s also supposedly an Action RPG? I have no idea what’s going on but I’m kinda into it?
The curious thing is that the site didn’t have a connection to any brand that owns the rights to the game. Maybe the site was taken down because they forgot the Gearbox logo. Or maybe it’s fake and we’re getting our collective chains jerked. If it’s fake I’ll be the first to laugh this off. But a Duke Nukem RPG? That sounds like the dumbest possible thing and I want to see what’s up.