Since launching, Koji Igarashi’s Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night kickstarter has grown rapidly in just a short ammount of time. In just over a week, the project has reached nearly quintuple its $500,000 goal. Already offering a good variety of backer rewards, it’s now giving exclusive beta access to those who pledge at least $60 dollars and opt to recieve a copy of the PC version of the game. Unfortunately this leaves out people who choose to get a copy for the PS4 or XBox One. However, at higher tiers where you can recieve both a digital and physical copy of the game, you can opt for a physical release on console but a digital release on PC to get access to the beta. The beta itself will be a Windows-only affair, so Mac and Linux users will also be left out in the cold on this one.
With close to 32,000 backers at the time of writing this, that’s a lot of potential beta testers. I myself haven’t backed the project yet, but plan to in the near future. While the idea of getting to play a beta version of Bloodstained is certainly enticing, I don’t think it will be something that influences how much I donate or what rewards I opt for. That being said, I imagine there are a lot of people who might be swayed to donate more or change which version they’re getting based on the opportunity to get beta access.